Classic Buttery Shortbread

My grandmother’s recipe for shortbread is very simple and straightforward. It only takes four ingredients to be able to whip up a tasty treat without breaking the bank.

This classic shortbread recipe is baked in round cake pans that are scored for effortless cutting after baking. A simplistic triangle shape with minimal decoration, it is meant to be plain. The ingredients are the main attraction. 

For my interpretation, I decided to use top notch ingredients like grass-fed butter and my most favorite vanilla extract. Then I decorated it with a light dusting of powdered sugar. Still very simple but a little richer than the original. 

Mine is more “extravagant” than my grandmother’s but that’s the beautiful thing about recipes: you can interpret them anyway you want and use ingredients that feel right to you. Make it your own and treasure it.


1 cup of unsalted butter, room temp

¾ cup of granulated sugar

2 tsp vanilla

2 ½ cups of all-purpose flour

Dusting of powdered sugar (optional)

In a stand mixer, cream together butter, sugar, vanilla extract. Add flour and mix well until dough is smooth. Chill the dough in the fridge for 1 hour. 

Preheat the oven to 300°F. 

Divide dough in half. Press into 2 ungreased 8” round pans and make designs by scoring with a spatula and imprinting with small cookie cutters. You can also cookie cut, stamp or use the dough the make thumbprints filled with jam to make individual cookies. If you have as much jam as I do you might want to bakes those thumbprints.

Bake for 25-30 minutes. Once lightly browned let them cool in pans for 10 minutes. Then cool completely on a cooling rack.  Serve with hot tea or coffee.

Store in an airtight container for two weeks or freeze in a gallon storage bag for two months.

*Notes: You can easily add flavor to your shortbread by using citrus zest or any dried herb or even tea leaves.


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