Blueberry Syrup

Perhaps you don’t really enjoy maple syrup on your fluffy buttermilk pancakes, give blueberry syrup a try. You might be pleasantly surprised!

As a child I wasn’t a fan of maple syrup, not at all. So my mother would often purchase Welches or Smuckers blueberry syrup for my Saturday pancakes. The last has this iconic blueberry flavor that’s teetering on artificial and I absolutely loved every drop. As an adult my tastes have become a little more refined and I wanted to enjoy a blueberry syrup that I can actually feel good about eating. That’s why I decided to make my own with my latest blueberry haul and it couldn’t be better. My homemade blueberry syrup is positively bursting with the sweet taste of freshly picked blueberries. The simple addition of ground cinnamon really elevates the natural flavors of the deliciously ripe berries. I know it seems a little silly but that little bit of cinnamon goes a long way and makes the syrup something really special.

Blueberry Syrup

2 cups fresh blueberries

½ cup granulated sugar

½ tsp ground cinnamon

¼ tsp kosher salt

1 cup water

1 TBSP cornstarch + 2 TBSP water

To a small pot add the ingredients except for the cornstarch and the extra two tablespoons of water. Stir until the sugar is dissolved into the water and set the pot on medium high heat.

Once the berries start to gently boil, stir the mixture occasionally until the blueberries soften and start to burst.

After the berries become very soft, take an immersion stick blender and blend the berries until most, if not all, of the berries are completely liquefied. 

Mix together the cornstarch and extra water to create a starchy slurry, add to your blended blueberry mixture and stir to combine. 

Cook until your mixture thickens and becomes a syrupy consistency. Remove from the heat and store your syrup in a glass jar or bottle. Cool for about 10 minutes before serving with your pancakes, waffles or french toast. The blueberry is best served warm or at room temperature. 

Store the remainder of your syrup in the fridge, your blueberry syrup will keep for at least 5 months. 


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