The Patchwork Kitchen

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Classic Brandy Balls

A vintage Christmas classic, no cookie tray would be complete without these fudgy booze filled confections.

Growing up, these boozy Brandy Balls would often make an appearance on many cookie trays and even as a child they were really hard to resist. The fudgy consistency makes for a delightful confectionary while the flavor of brandy fills you with Christmas cheer. Now you may think that these babies might pack a huge alcohol punch but you would be wrong. Typically, you make brandy balls a few weeks before Christmas. That way the harshness of the alcohol can dissipate and all you're left with is the sweet flavor of brandy and cocoa.

Classic Brandy Balls 

3 cups crushed graham crackers

1 cup powdered sugar

2 TBSP cocoa Powder

3 TBSP light corn syrup

½ cup vanilla brandy

1 cup of chopped walnuts (optional)

In a large bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients.

Add the corn syrup and brandy, mix until it forms a dough.

Using a tablespoon, measure out a portion and form into balls.

Coat your brandy balls in powdered sugar or cocoa powder.

Place in an airtight container and store in a cool dark cupboard for a few weeks. It’s essential you let the brandy balls sit before consuming, it gives the brandy time to mellow out and evaporate a bit.

*Notes:  I usually make these the first or second week of December. That way the flavor will be perfect for my Christmas Eve cookie trays. 

If you’re thinking about consuming these babies the day you make them keep this in mind, each ball is like taking a shot of brandy. Do what you will with this information and of course consume responsibly. 

If brandy isn’t your thing, you can easily replace the brandy with rum for Rum Balls.