Creamy Wild Mushroom Soup

A simple and comforting soup to help you get rid of the last of those pesky winter blues.

I know mushroom soup might not look like the prettiest soup in the world but it’s definitely one of the tastiest. During the last stint of Winter when a lot of my favorite veggies are out of season and my canning pantry is running low, I’m often scrounging for some delicious veggies. That’s why at the end of winter I always turn to the humble mushroom to get my vegetable fix. No matter what the season is, you can always find these tasty and nutritious fungi.

Creamy Wild Mushroom Soup

1 lb. mixed mushrooms, cleaned and diced (oyster, trumpet, cremini)

3 TBSP unsalted butter

1 large yellow onion, diced

1 shallot, diced

3 TBSP all-purpose flour

¼ cup dry white wine 

3 sprigs fresh thyme

2 bay leaves

4 cups vegetable stock

¼ cup heavy cream

¼ tsp grated nutmeg

Salt and pepper to taste

To a large Dutch Oven, add your butter and cook on medium heat. Once the butter has melted, add your onions and shallots. Cook until the diced onions and shallots are soft as well as translucent.

Add the mushrooms with a pinch of salt, cook until they start to brown and soften. 

Once the mushrooms have browned, add your wine and cook until it has reduced.

Sprinkle the flour over your cooked veggies and cook for about one minute. Add the vegetable stock, bay leaves and one sprig of thyme, stir until everything is incorporated. Cook on medium low for about 30 minutes or until the soup has reduced and slightly thickened. 

Add the heavy cream on low heat and simmer for another 30 minutes. Remove the bay leaves and the thyme stem. Add the grated nutmeg as well as salt and peppering to taste. 

Blend your soup with an immersion blender until it becomes a creamy consistency. Add the rest of the thyme leaves to your creamy soup and serve.

Top with a little sour cream and serve with a slice of sourdough bread for a more rounded meal.


Feel free to use any mushrooms you want for this soup. Two of my favorite mushrooms are Oyster and Cremini. 

If you like a chunkier soup feel free to omit blending your soup altogether. It’s perfectly delicious as is, mushroom chunks and all!


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