Pappy’s Hot Toddy

A warm hug in a mug, a cure for the winter blues.

Growing up my Pappy would make this for me as a remedy to cure various colds and chills that would ail me. I would be made this warm elixir, told to drink it while being wrapped up in a warm blanket and then was told that I would “sweat out” my cold. Now this is a very, very, very old way to treat a cold and is considered to be very outdated method but nevertheless this is how my Pappy knew how to “treat” a cold. Therefore, this was the treatment that was prescribed.

Now, knowing what I know today, I would never ever, ever, ever recommend giving this drink to a sick child regardless of what ails them. However, as an adult I can appreciate this hot beverage for what it is, an alcoholic drink. Being an adult of drinking age, I often use this Hot Toddy recipe to cure my winter blues and lift my spirits. It’s honestly like a warm hug that envelopes you from the inside out and is exactly what you need during these long, cold winter months. It’s a hug in a mug, now how can that be bad?

Pappy’s Hot Toddy

1 shot or 1.5 oz. Peach Brandy

1 tsp honey

¼ of a squeezed lemon

1 cup of hot water

Black tea of choice

Measure out the brandy, honey and lemon juice into your favorite mug.

Boil water and steep black tea of your choice for 2-3 minutes. Add steeped tea into your brandy mixture.

Stir together, cozy up and enjoy!

*My favorite black teas for this specific drink are English Breakfast or Earl Grey.*


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Stove Rags (Lokshe)