The Patchwork Kitchen

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Perfectly Simple Pumpkin Puree

The most perfect pumpkin puree doesn’t start with your typical Sugar Pumpkin, it actually starts with a Hubbard Squash.

All my life my family has always used the humble Hubbard Squash as their primary pumpkin pie pumpkin. The Hubbard Squash provides a robust pumpkin flavor and sweetness that makes the most perfect pumpkin pie. It’s a wonder why these types of squashes aren’t more popular for pie making? I can only assume it’s because it’s described as a squash and not a pumpkin. But what is a pumpkin but a type of squash, it’s probably just the result of bad marketing. Now that I’m done with my mini rant let’s get back on topic. As I was saying, the Hubbard Squash makes the most wonderful pie and that’s why I used it in today’s recipe for Pumpkin Puree. 

My Perfectly Simple Pumpkin Puree is what is described in the title, simple. It only requires two ingredients and some time to have a pumpkin puree that’s better than anything you can ever buy in the store. You can have this quality puree with little effort to make all your pumpkin recipes live up to their fullest potential.

Perfectly Simple Pumpkin Puree 

Orange Hubbard Squash

Pinch of kosher salt 

Large rimmed sheet pan

Aluminum Foil

Preheat the oven to 350°F. 

With a very sharp kitchen knife, carefully cut the stems off the squash and then cut in half. Scoop out the seeds until only the creamy meat of the squash remain. You can save the seeds and make Paprika Roasted Pumpkin Seeds or plant your own during the next growing season.

Arrange the squash on a foiled lined sheet pan and sprinkle with kosher salt. Roast until the squash can be pierced with a fork and becomes creamy. Check the squash every hour for doneness. 

Once done, let the squash cool completely before scooping the squash away from the shell. Scoop the squash into a large bowl, taking care not to get in any of the shell.

Mash your squash until no more whole pieces of remain. To get a smoother pure, blend the squash in a food processor. And just like that you have a beautiful pumpkin puree ready for pies, breads or even ravioli!

You can store your puree in glass jars in the fridge for up to a week or you can portion it into gallon freezer bags and store for up to 6 months. I tend to freeze mine and thaw it out before I want to use it. This is very handy for any midsummer pumpkin cravings.