The Patchwork Kitchen

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Positively Peachy Peach Jam

Positively peachy, positively perfect. A jar of liquid sunshine that would brighten anyone’s day.

The flavor of peaches can be hard to describe, they have a flavor all their own. There really is nothing like a fresh summer peach. Its bright acidity and sweetness can not be rivaled by any other summer fruit. It’s a champion in its own right and should be celebrated as such. To celebrate this summer beauty, I decided to keep this jam recipe simple. With only three ingredients peaches, sugar and salt; it compliments the peach’s bright acidic flavor and natural sweetness. It couldn’t be simpler. 

The taste of peach jam is what I like to call liquid sunshine! A spoonful of this liquid gold always puts a smile on my face. Even in the cold, depressing depths of winter you can find the warmth and beauty of summer. Whether it’s spreading it over a piece of crusty baguette or adding a dollop to my oatmeal, I can enjoy the taste of fresh summer peaches all year long.

Peach Jam

*Makes 3 half pint jars

6 large ripe yellow peaches

½ cup brown sugar

¼ tsp kosher salt

Before we make our jam we need to prepare our peaches. Over a medium/large pot peel your peaches using a sharp paring knife, you need to use the pot to collect all that delicious peach juice (if your peaches are really ripe there will be lots and lots of juice, you will get sticky!). Cut the fruit off the pit into manageable pieces.

Combine the peaches with the brown sugar and salt. Stir until the sugar is fully dissolved and incorporated. Put the pot on the stove at medium high heat until the jam starts to boil. When the jam starts to boil, turn the heat down to medium low heat. Gently boil the jam while stirring frequently. (The sugar content of peaches is significantly higher than other jam fruits and peach jam can burn easily. Keeping a watchful eye during the cooking process is very important.)

During the boiling process, you may notice foam bubbling up to the surface. That is completely normal and you should skim it off the top of the jam. Removing the foam will help the jam’s look and clarity.

Once your beautiful fruit starts to boil and soften, mash the fruit with a potato masher or puree with an immersion blender. I like a chunkier peach jam so I mostly stick with mashing the fruit, the immersion blender will create a smoother jam.

After you mash or blend your jam, continue cooking until the jam thickens and is able to pass the frozen spoon test. When you reach your desired thickness and consistency, you can seal it in jars or store in a glass container.

Peach jam stored in a sealed jar will keep for 18 months while the jam stored in a container will keep in your fridge for 3 months. For more detailed instructions on storage and sealing please give my previous jam recipes a look, Pleasantly Tart Raspberry Jam and Simple and Sweet Blueberry Jam.

*Note: The key to getting skin off without losing a lot of the fruit is to gently slide the knife under a section of skin and then pull the skin away from the peach. It does take some finesse but once you get a rhythm this technique is really effective.

*If you don’t care for Yellow Peaches you can easily substitute by using White Peaches. It will be a different color but have the same beautiful peachy flavor.

*Recipe can be easily doubled or even tripled to make a larger batch. I made a smaller batch for my pantry because I’m the only one who really likes peaches in my household. Those crazy people don’t know what they’re missing!