The Patchwork Kitchen

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Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread

Positively plush and pillowy, this homemade sandwich bread rivals any store bought and highly processed Wonder Bread.

Now this isn’t your typical white sandwich bread, it's flavored using a portion of sourdough discard. I find that it’s a very good way to utilize my sourdough discard without having it go to waste. Especially, if you’re like me and keep your starter out on the counter you will have a lot of discard from the number of feedings that you do in any given week. It actually hurts me to throw away the discard because all I can think about is the wasted product. Honestly, in the beginning of my sourdough journey this happened a lot because I didn’t have the knowledge of utilizing the discard’s power. And yes, the discard still has lots of power to give, the name is very misleading and makes you feel as though you should throw it away. But trust me, step away from the trash bin! If you throw it out, you will be throwing out your opportunity to make some spectacular bread! 

This recipe produces some of the most positively plush sandwich bread that will ever grace your lips. Perfect for countless amounts of grilled cheese and as well as the childhood staple PB&J. It only takes a lazy afternoon to make two beautiful loaves that can easily last a family out the week. It’s the only sandwich type bread that I feel good about making for my family. It’s very cost effective, while saving me from wasting my precious discard and it’s way more delicious than any sandwich bread you can buy in a grocery store. In my books, that’s most definitely a win! 

Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread

*Makes 2 loaves

1 1/2 cups warmed milk

2 1/2 tsp yeast

1 cup sourdough discard

1 TBSP sugar

1/4 vegetable oil

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking soda

4 1/2 cups bread flour

Mix together milk, sugar, discard and yeast until completely homogenous. Add the vegetable oil and mix. 

Add 3 cups of the bread flour, salt and baking soda. Mix and add in remaining flour. Add until the dough is no longer sticky and can be kneaded without sticking to your hands, the amount of flour can change depending on the weather so just be conscious of that. You may need more or you may need less, let the dough do the talking.  

Knead the dough by hand for 10-15 minutes on the countertop. Depending on your strength you may need to knead it for longer, on a really bad day it could take me as long as 20 minutes. Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic.  

Shape the dough into a ball, cover and let it proof for 60 minutes in a greased bowl. The dough will be doubled in size. 

Towards the end of the proofing time, prepare two standard bread tins by greasing with cooking spray.

Cut your dough in half and shape both portions into a log shape, place the dough in the prepared bread pans. Cover and proof your loaves for another 60 minutes, the dough should be level with the rim of the loaf pan when fully proofed. 

Preheat the oven to 400°F, while your loaves are going through their last proof.

Brush the tops of the loaves with an egg wash and bake for 25-30 minutes or until the tops are nice dark golden brown. 

Once baked, cool in the pans for 10 min before releasing the loaves to cool completely on a wire rack. Slice and enjoy!