The Patchwork Kitchen

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The Patchwork Kitchen Garden: Season Two

Week Three: April Showers are Bringing the Flowers

Week three has been a very wet week. It has rained almost every day and the flowers in my garden are absolutely loving it. The Phlox are almost in full bloom and my front yard is starting to look like its old self again. From the purple phlox to my tulips, even the humble dandelions everything is going according to plan and the bees are loving it. As the days progress I see more and more honey bees each day amongst the blooming flowers, there isn’t a lovelier sight than that. 

The flowers aren’t the only things blooming in the garden. The peas started sprouting and my Wine Cap Mushrooms have started to feed off the straw bed. Rainy weather is what makes these crops thrive, especially the Wine Cap mushrooms. The moisture helps the mycelium to grow, thrive and eventually become the mushrooms that they are meant to be. But of course there is such a thing as too much rain but nothing has been too extreme, so we’re not too worried about this happening just yet. 

My hopes for the next coming week is of course more growth. Hopefully the peas will be taller, the lettuce looks more like lettuce and maybe, just maybe, the potatoes will start sprouting. But we have to be patient and just wait, things are moving along this Spring. I just feel like it’s moving a bit slower than it was last year. I can’t rush it though, I should just be sitting back and enjoying the beauty of the season.

Well, that’s all I have for this week. I'll be sitting and waiting for shrooms and sprouts. But you can give the garden a peek, simply check out the gallery down below. Until next week, Happy Gardening!