The Patchwork Kitchen Garden: The Fifth Week

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” –Vincent van Gogh

It has definitely been an interesting week. In the beginning, I had big plans. I was going to get my seedlings that I started in the winter into the ground, but Mother Nature had other plans. It got cold, and it became a little bit too cold for my delicate seedlings. The days were very mild this week, and the nights have been even cooler. In fact, one night my area was under a Freeze Watch for frost. So instead of planting my tomatoes and cucumbers, I was covering my sensitive greens with tarps. It was Mother Nature's way of reminding us in Northeast Pennsylvania that it's still indeed spring and to not rush into the next season. In the end, Mother Nature always has the final say. It's just that the seedling situation is getting a little out of control at this point, and most of the plants are actually bumping into each other. Some cucumbers are even trying to trellis on other cucumbers or the taller tomato stalks. It's safe to say that they are definitely outgrowing their surroundings and are yearning to go outdoors. Soon, my little darlings, soon.

It was quite disappointing not to be able to accomplish everything I wanted this past week. Even though I didn't achieve any of my goals, there were a few surprises. At the beginning of the week, I found one of my favorite flowers in my favorite color. I discovered a beautiful Foxglove in a lovely shade of peach. It looks great in my front flower bed, and I'm tempted to buy another one because I love it so much.

As much as I adore my new floral addition, I was even more excited to see that my corn is sprouting and starting to emerge from the soil. It may not look like much, but in my eyes, I see these beautiful stalks, even if they are only an inch tall. I’m very proud of my little corn babies. Just look at them, they are very adorable!

However, the corn isn't the only baby peeking. The fingerling potatoes have one little sprout emerging from the straw mulch. I'm sure that by the end of next week, I'll be seeing even more sprouts, and that little baby will be more visible.

Everything else in the garden is growing bigger and closer to harvest every single day. When I walk through the garden every day, there's always something that has grown a little bit more. The lettuce is starting to resemble lettuce, the dill is beginning to develop its fronds, and even the wildflowers in the front are showing their true leaves. Everywhere I look, there's growth and changes—it's simply beautiful.

That's all I really have to share this week without going on and on forever. I've mentioned the most significant changes in the garden, and I hope this coming week brings more progress than the last. Let's cross our fingers!

Down below are some pictures of the garden from the week. Happy Gardening!


Charcuterie Bread


Strawberry Cobbler with a Cornbread Biscuit Crust