The Patchwork Kitchen Garden: The Nineteenth Week
Summer is setting and the new harvests are dawning.
It’s hard to believe that we will be entering our last week of August and everyday we creep closer to September. The time is absolutely flying by and I feel the time slipping through my fingers. No matter how much I try to grasp the season I can’t stop the sands of time. But I am trying to enjoy these final weeks of summer. That includes spending every ounce of my free time in my garden and harvesting all my beautiful produce.
Yes, harvesting has definitely been the theme for this week. It’s been very challenging to get out to the garden while I adjust to my new work schedule and learning all the new information that comes with it. It’s been a significant change in my life but I’m hoping it will be a good change when I get fully settled in. The biggest adjustment has been coming to the realization I can’t do everything I want to do anymore on any given work day. Instead of filling my days with weeds and tending, I’ve been spending eight hours going to my workplace and learning new skills. So far it’s all been very rewarding and enlightening, it’s just been very hard to balance my professional work with my casual work. Hopefully as the weeks go on it will become easier and more balanced, it will just take some time and I have to be patient. I have to have the same patience that I’ve had during the gardening season. The only difference right now is that my patience in the garden is finally paying off.
Indeed, my patience has been rewarded about ten fold already. This week alone I pulled out four baskets full of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, sunflowers and herbs. The abundance that I have been blessed with this season has been truly remarkable, I couldn’t imagine that this season would have produced so much success.
But of course with the success there have been some trials. My corn crop, being one of my greatest trials. My sweet corn hasn’t produced like I had hoped. The cobs have been small and half developed but for my first time ever growing corn I’ve seen it as a success. I proved to myself that I could grow it and I’m a little bit wiser for the next time I attempt it. Even when you fail at an attempt you have successes and those successes might just be the simple act of learning from your mistakes.
Well that’s all I have to say for this week. I know it’s a bit short this week but I’m in a period of transition. My current crops are being harvested and I’m waiting on my fall crops to produce. Don’t worry though, I have plenty of photos to share in the gallery down below. Until next week, Happy Gardening!