The Patchwork Kitchen Garden: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Weeks

The changing of the seasons is a reminder to live in the present and accept each moment as it comes.

Our long gardening journey is unfortunately coming to an end. I know this growing season went fast. Now the garden is not 100% finished yet for the season but I feel there isn’t much more info I could share for the season. There is just unfortunately a lot more waiting than anything right now waiting for Fall, waiting for ripening veg and waiting for the last bed to be cleared. I will be still posting on my Instagram the dribs and drabs that will be coming out of the garden but September 16th will be the last garden post for the season. It feels bittersweet but you just have to look on the brighter side, I will just have another day to post recipes. Yes, I will be going back to recipe posts three times a week, so get excited! Until then, let’s look at how the garden did the past two weeks.

The harvests are coming in hot and heavy. Almost everyday I have been picking an exuberant amount of tomatoes. It’s honestly been kind of overwhelming, thank goodness for tomato sauce. 

Tomatoes haven’t been the only things getting plucked from the garden, there have been plenty of peppers and herbs as well. I am truly in the throes of what makes gardening truly worthwhile, harvesting fresh in season produce and having enough to last into the winter months. It feels glorious to open a jar of canned summer tomatoes or use homegrown dried herbs for holiday gatherings. 

You may think that preserving your seasonal produce is a daunting and time consuming process. Well, it is time consuming but most of the time is just waiting. Like baking a loaf of homemade bread, it just takes patience and minimal effort. Drying herbs especially is one of the easiest preservation methods you could possibly use. You can either use your oven to aid in the process or ,my favorite, hanging it in a sunny window and sun drying them. Sure, sun drying takes a bit longer but I love the aesthetic. I feel like it brings a little cottage core to my modern kitchen. Sometimes it’s the simplest things that can make one happy and watching my herbs dry in my sunny kitchen window is one of my favorite things. 

On that happy note, I’m going to end this week’s blog post here. I know it’s another brief week but that’s what happens when we are nearing the end of the season. But check out the gorgeous gallery below to see the garden in all its glory. Here’s to another abundant week of beautiful harvests, Happy Gardening!    


Simple Pickled Jalapeños


Mustard and Onion Pickles