Simple and Silky Sour Cream

A Natural and Homemade Alternative

Making homemade sour cream is one of the easiest food projects you can do. It takes minimal effort and it’s less expensive than store bought.

It is important to note that this sour cream is much thinner than store bought. Due to the fact that there are no thickeners or emulsifiers. But in the end, it is a more natural product with a silkier texture that is downright enviable.

The silky nature of this sour cream lends itself best as an accompaniment. Perhaps an attractive swirl for a bowl of creamy tomato soup. Or even a decadent drizzle over your homemade Pierogi. These are just a few mere suggestions in a sea of sour cream possibilities!

Sour Cream

1 cup of heavy cream

¼ cup of whole milk

2 tsp white vinegar or 2 tsp of fresh lemon juice

1/4 tsp kosher salt

In a mason jar, combine the heavy cream and the milk. Stir in white vinegar and cover the jar with cheesecloth or a paper towel. Do not seal the jar with the lid, it needs to have air flow to aid in fermentation. Let sit on the counter for 24 hours at room temperature. At the end of the 24 hours you can mix in the salt and cover with the jar lid, store in the fridge for 2-3 weeks. It’s that simple to make your own sour cream and it's definitely more delicious!

*Note-the longer the sour cream sits in the fridge the more flavorsome it will become.

Sweetened Sour Cream

To make sweetened sour cream take a ¼ cup of finished sour cream, mix in a tablespoon of powdered sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. You can add more powdered sugar if you want a sweeter sour cream but this ratio is perfect to accompany Prune Pierogi or to use as a dip for fresh fruit.


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